From the Pages of the Defter (ص 192)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 192)
“spue] doso-pyjely Jo edeas9e 0} Syeyeu sweung ,
ost‘z | osz‘oze | sos‘T SIVLOL
OOT 00s‘T ya ynyel exig-je uewAeins quqef = ET
OOT 00S‘ZT OZ ynyel yebiauz yeyjessen “gq pewweynw ZT
OST Osz‘9z SOT ynyet yasAeses pewweynw ‘quiwe, TT
OST 0sz‘9z SOT ynyet pewweyny uAesny ‘quesnH OT
OST 0Sz‘9z SOT ynyer yeuyemez yeyeper"quuiyesqi 6
OST 0Sz‘9z SOT yngyet wes ‘quewAejns fey 8
OST osz‘9z SOT unyel seqnj es|,"qpewweyunyy ZZ
00z 000‘SE OvT wyenx'a (y@UME}Y,-[e) IPY, WEUN “q4yewejes 9
00z 000‘Se OvT wyenx'a (yaumejy,-le) Hv, PewYyY “Gg peWWeYyNnW ¢
00z 000‘SE OvT wyeya = (4ESEN USE} “gq UEWAeINS) SEN UeSeH “quewAejnNS = g
002 000‘SE OvT !yex"s (JeSeN “GQ pewYyy) SEN “Gpewuy ¢€
00z 000‘S€ OvT WyeX's ysnueg pewyy“quewyin, 7
00z 000‘S€ OvT wyen'a (ques qiby,) ques ‘quby, T
niny nny SWeEUND s2UapIsey JEUMO JO SWEN =
(xe3) anjeA
Jajsibay yoJUIZ |-SDSJ BYyY O} Buspso09.e ‘Q/ RT ul ,DJZaW BANIWes By) Ul sINUS]
"E'p FIGeL
ath al-Tatbigiyya — al-
Quds (AR\J), Dalil Qaryat Bayt Kahil (Bayt Kahil Village Guide) (2009), p. 11. Accessible online at:
the soil or the terrain but, rather, because of a lack of water resources. M‘ahad al-Abh . Accessed 24 April 2015.
هو جزء من
From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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