From the Pages of the Defter (ص 193)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 193)
The Taffuh Case: Documentary Discord
Isma‘il b. Badawi al-Khmeisi et. al. versus Husayn b. Ahmad al-Hajj al-Zarushta
Two decades after the Eml/ak survey, on a late-summer Monday in 1895, the scribe of
Hebron’s sharia court, ‘Abd al-Qadir Effendi of the Hebronite Hammouri family, rode out to
neighboring Taffuh. Upon the request of a number of its villagers and under direction from
the Hebron sharia-court judge, he had been appointed to hear their case against Husayn b.
Ahmad al-Hajj al-Zarushta. Husayn had received that year 1,200 kurus from the harvest of
322 This was not the first time, or the last, that the Hebron sharia court
parts of Jamrura lands.
judge (naib) would appoint his scribe to hear a case outside the courtroom. On this day, the
court session was held in the village square (saha).
The complainant, Isma‘Tl b. Badawi al-Khmeisi ( AnujLed) presented to the judge a
claim in his name and in the name of fifteen men and women from Taffuh.*** He said they all
had rights to shares of the profits collected by Husayn from the harvests of the above-
mentioned Jamrura lands. The language of his testimony reveals the degree to which the
vocabulary of reform had made its way into the language. As recorded in the court records,
Isma‘il testified that “al-aradi muqayyada wa-matuba’”: the land is registered and tapu-ed.
922 HR 16 / 144 /120 (12 Rabi | 1313 / 2 Sept. 1895). These lands were known as: al-‘Eid, Sh’ib ‘Azam, Marj
al-Qasa, Akfar, Khallat al-Khureisa, and al-Ruweisat.
323 They were: Muhammad b. Hassan al-Bahur, Hassan b. Ibrahim al-Hajj Jadallah, Salim b. Salame al-
S‘aida, Muhammad b. Salah al-‘Aweira, Isma ‘Il b. Salim Abu Zreig [Zreiqat], Suliman b. Salame Shihada,
Sahiyya bint Badawi al-Khmeise who was the wife of Salame al-(?), Muhammad b .Salame Suliman,
Husayn b. Sultman al-‘Atiyan, ‘All b. Husayn Muhammad, Muhammad b. ‘Uthman Himyan, Nafsa bint
Hassan Muhammad who was the wife of Suliman al-Zawatne, Khadija bint Muhammad ‘Isa al-Qawasme
who was the wife of Mahmud Qasim, Rifga bint Isma ‘Il Jibrin, and Hassan bin Salam Silmt.
هو جزء من
From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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