From the Pages of the Defter (ص 202)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 202)
The pattern of fictitious litigation suits fits the case the Taffuh villagers brought
against Husayn. Having now read between the lines of the court record and concluded what
this case most probably aimed to achieve, we may now address the question you
undoubtedly have been asking yourself while reading the preceding pages: why is there a
large discrepancy between the number of landowners as stated in the court case — twenty-
four -- and the seven recorded in the property-value assessment register of 1876?
Seven Owners and/or Twenty-Four?: The Harmonious Dissonance in the Documents
To return briefly to the present-day conflicts calling attention to Jamrura that were
mentioned at the beginning of this chapter, *”’ in light of Israeli confiscations of Jamrira
lands beginning in the 1980s, residents of Taffuh traveled to the Tapu ve Cadastro Archive in
Ankara, Turkey, in pursuit of proving their longstanding usufruct rights to Jamrura lands. The
villagers were given rare access to this repository, whose nineteenth-century records remain
closed to researchers.*’> Among the Ottoman-era files, they were able to gather their
342 See details in footnote 306.
** In the first decade of the twenty-first century, the Turkish government granted the archive permission
to give to the Palestinian Authority copies of all its Ottoman-era documents on land ownership in
Palestine, reportedly some 4,000 pages of documents. (The files have not been made available to
researchers.) The news made headlines in Israel/Palestine and Turkey. See, for example, “Turkia he‘avira
HaArchion Ha‘Othmani le-Falistinaim” (Turkey transferred the Ottoman Archive to the Palestinians),
Channel 7, 21 April 2010, ( , accessed 12 April 2015), Hebrew;
“Turkey transfers Ottoman land records to Palestinian Authority”, Haaretz (English edition), 11 October
2006 (
1.171734 , accessed 12 April 2015); “Turkiya tusallimu al-sulta al-filistiniyya nuskha min al-arshif al-
‘uthmant” (Turkey will hand over to the Palestinian Authority a copy from its Ottoman archive) , Wikalat
Filistin al-Yom al-Akhbariyya, 21 April 2010 ( post/77681 , accessed 12 April 2015),
Arabic; “iste Turkiye’nin elindeki Filistin Tapusu” (Here are Turkey’s Palestine Tapu [records]), 21
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From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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