From the Pages of the Defter (ص 203)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 203)
ancestors’ certificates of usufruct (tapu kushans) dating to Tishrin Thani 1306 (maliyye)
(November/December 1890). With these and more recent documents proving their
continuous ownership and cultivation of the land, and after a long legal battle which reached
the Israeli Supreme Court, in 2009 a declaration was issued to return the Jamrura lands in
question to the descendants of the twenty-eight Palestinian owners from Taffuh to whom
records of tapu from 1890 exist, a clear demonstration of the enduring legacy and continued
importance of the question of Ottoman-era land tenure in Palestine.*”"
In the 1895 court case discussed above, claims were made in reference to twenty-
four owners having obtained tapu certificates in 1875 in addition to the defendant Husayn,
who presumably also held tapu right to the lands. Regarding the discrepancy between the
numbers of tapu holders claimed in 1895 to have existed since 1875 (twenty-four plus one),
and those found in the 1990s to have existed in 1890 (twenty-eight), conclusions cannot be
drawn from available information.””” The 1895 court case does not specify, for example,
whether the Jamrura lands held by the twenty-four represented all or only part of Taffuh’s
February 2006, Haber 3,
87666h.htm , accessed 12 April 2015, Turkish; “Osmanli Arsivindeki Filistin Tapulari” (Palestine tapu
[records] in the Ottoman archive), Haberciniz 28 February 2014 ( osmanii-
arsivindeki-filistin-tapulari-2654414h.htm , accessed 12 April 2015), Turkish.
4 For more information, see the Taffuh municipality Jamrura page: in Arabic, and in
© | have not been able to determine the names of the twenty-eight tapu holders of 1890 or to read the
Israeli Supreme Court rulings.
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From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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