From the Pages of the Defter (ص 204)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 204)
holdings there. What concerns us is the discrepancy brought to light between the tapu
registers of 1875 and the property-value and land tax (verg/) register of 1876.
In 1876, only seven residents of Taffuh were named as land owners of Jamrura lands
in the Emlak register (See Table 4.3, above). The dissonance appears baffling. How can it be
explained? How should it be understood? It is plausible that the circumstances of
representative claims seen in previous chapters and likewise to be seen below in the Idhna
case were in part replicated here, in the Emlak register. The proportion of divisions of the
land — five plots of 105 dunams each, and two plots of 70 dunams each — suggests a
representative division of tax liability, if not ownership. If this was the case, then conceivably
one name in the Emlak register represented a number of tapu holders. It is not clear from
available evidence, however, why these seven would have been chosen. The other property
holdings they registered in their names do not set them apart from other villagers in terms
of status based on property wealth. Muhammad b. ‘Isa Tubas, for example, registered assets
valued at a total of 3,250 kurus: a one-room hane, two vineyard plots together totaling 2.5
dunams, and two vegetable-garden plots, together totaling 1.25 dunams.*”° Ibrahim b.
Jadallah Zawatneh registered only a 9-dunam vineyard plot and a quarter-dunam vegetable
garden, together valued at 5,250 kurus.”’ Jabr b. Suliman and Muhammad b. Nasrallah
Zreiqat each registered just one small property, the former a quarter-dunam vegetable
“6 Esas-I Emlak, Taffuh entries #52 (residences), and #51, 114, 366, and 388 (agricultural properties).
“7 Ibid., entries #202, 386 (agricultural properties).
هو جزء من
From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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