From the Pages of the Defter (ص 205)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 205)
garden valued at 250 kurus, and the latter a one-dunam vineyard, valued at 625 kurus.
is not clear from the records in whose residences these three lived. None of them registered
a home in their own names.
Needless to say, landed assets were not the only type of property rural villagers could
amass. The Hebron district’s registers of sheep and goat taxes, which were assessed on the
head, would be invaluable for gaining a fuller picture of Hebron’s rural economy, could one
be located. Leatherworks and especially the manufacture of goatskin bags and, less
frequently, camel bags formed a sizeable and profitable industry in Hebron. Ottoman
central-government and military records indicate that over the course of the nineteenth
century orders were placed in Hebron for thousands of these sturdy water vessels at a time,
to supply the needs of hajj caravans and the Ottoman army.*” Inheritance records and
inheritance-related court cases in Islamic-law court archives also point to the economic
value of this industry. To illustrate, among the possessions of Hajj ‘Abd al-Razzaq b. al-Hajj
Muhammad Sidr of Hebron upon his death in the early 1880s were 180 goatskin leather
water bags, whose value alone totaled nine thousand kurus, several times larger than the
majority of bequests recorded in Hebron’s shari‘ court in this period.*”’ Villagers were active
“8 Ibid., entries #149, 368 (agricultural properties).
a8 Basbakanlik Osmanli Arsivi (BOA) C. ML 16/741, dated 16 Muharram 1215 (9.6.1800), and C.DH.
27/1321, dated 3 Subat 1216 maliyya (15.2.1803), and C.AS 390 / 16128, dated 18 Rabi 11218
(6.8.1803), and 1.AS. 4/1311 RA-12, dated 21 Rabi II 1311 (2.10.1893).
°° HR 15 / 10/15 (27 Muharrarm 1310 / 21 August 1892). The case took place ten years after Hajj ‘Abd
al-Razzaq had passed away..
هو جزء من
From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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