From the Pages of the Defter (ص 208)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 208)
months. As noted in previous chapters, one finds in the Emlak register of 1876 occasional
references noting that lands recorded within had been registered “according to the division
in the tapu defter”.*°’ Of course, neither this (literally) marginal evidence nor the date on the
tapu certificate(s) recalled by Isma ‘Il of Taffuh in court sheds light on whether these
registrations were part of a systematic tapu survey in the district or whether they were done
on a voluntary basis. Nevertheless, this evidence does permit us to narrow the realm of
possibilities. It is possible, on the one hand, that in Hebron the tapu preceded the (or, this)
Esas-1 Emlak. This chronology may be an indication that there had been a previous esas, tax-
3°8 In the
evaluation survey which, for one reason or another, had been scrapped.
neighboring Jerusalem subdistrict, Gerber found evidence of a property-tax survey having
been conducted in 1868. The next survey he found mention of, however, did not occur until
early 1886. This would seem to suggest that the processes of reform implantation in these
two subdistricts of the Jerusalem mutasarriflik were not synchronous. It is also possible, on
the other hand, although directly contrary to predominant understandings in the field
regarding tapu registration in Palestine, that in Hebron some of the villages or some of the
villagers registered large tracts of farmlands voluntarily. More research is needed to answer
°” Such is the case, for example, in Yatta, where the town’s musha had been divided into sixty-four shares
of thirty-three dunams each.
8 1 am grateful to Martha Mundy for generously communicating with me at length on this question of
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From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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