From the Pages of the Defter (ص 209)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 209)
these specific questions. That said, neither possibility explains the situation we find in
Taffuh. We are obliged to probe deeper to decipher the discord between documents.
It is prudent at this point to recall the observation previously made, that variations
occurred in the Emlak register from one Hebron-area village to the next, in terms of patterns
and categories of registration. It has been suggested that this was a reflection of differences
in the way that each village organized information for the survey and registration
committee. It should also be noted that the composition of the survey committee likely
changed as it moved through the district. According to the Law on the Registration of Census
and Properties issued 14 Jumadi | 1277 (28 November 1860), in the countryside the
assessment and registration teams were to comprise, in addition to two, non-local, salaried
property assessors, up to another six individuals from the village being surveyed and/or
villages neighboring it.*°? Given that Hebron was the largest subdistrict (gaza) of the largest
district in Palestine in the last quarter of the nineteenth century — the Jerusalem
mutassariflik to which it belonged began at a line drawn between Jaffa and Jerusalem in the
north and embraced the entire southern half of the region, even claiming (until 1906) the
entire Sinai peninsula, then known as the desert of Tih — it is conceivable that the core
composition of the Hebron-area survey committee changed several times as it progressed
southward toward the edges of the district at the beginnings of the desert and the plains.
°° Ongley, 113-114.
هو جزء من
From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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