From the Pages of the Defter (ص 212)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 212)
men registered in the Emlak register were quite possibly family heads, but their status within
their extended families cannot be ascertained from information available. Their reported
landed wealth, and lack thereof, has been discussed above. The size of the seven Jamrura
plots recorded in the tax register, five plots of 105 dunams and two plots of 70 dunams,
implies that the ownership was in shares. Given the size of the plots and the number of tapu
certificates, it is reasonable to assume that a number of people did indeed stand behind the
registered owners, working the land. We can understand that this was distinct from a
partnership, since there was no notation in the Emlak register that a partnership existed. In
the following section, the case from Idhna to be discussed will clarify how this arrangement
was treated in the tapu register.
lt may also be mentioned that in Dura a number of Taffuh villagers registered in their
names in the Emlak register large parcels of field-crop land. These plots were widely variant
in size but most were large, some comparable in size to the whole of Taffuh’s 665 dunams in
Jamrura. For example, Salih b. Jadallah claimed a single, 735-dunam plot in Far‘a, as well as
an additional 25-dunam plot in another part of Dura’s lands.~~’ One Salim b. Muslim
registered a 285-dunam plot on Khallat ‘Ayn Faris.-°°> And Isma‘ll b. Badawi al-Khmeise, the
variations of a name also can be found, at times within one document, more often between different
documents. Also, it must be added, unfamiliar, scripted names can be the hardest for a researcher to
decipher. That is to say, | may unwittingly be responsible for transcription errors regarding the Hebron
sharia-court records, of which any form of reproduction other than hand-copying was forbidden to me.
4 The smaller plot was in Qir‘as(?). Esas-1 Emlak, entries # 9060, 9064.
369 Ibid., entry # 9063.
هو جزء من
From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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