From the Pages of the Defter (ص 224)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 224)
inquiries for directions, explaining how to reach landmarks unknown to me by reference to
their distance past, before, or between other landmarks | did not know. The names of roads
were marked only on maps, and only the foreigners with maps knew them or had a need for
According to the collectively authored research work, Idhna qaryatun laha tarikh
(Idhna is a village with a history), Idhna’s villagers did not divide their musha lands until the
last years of the Ottoman period, in the early twentieth century. At this time the lands were
divided into the village’s two large-family (‘ashira) groupings — the Tumeizt and the Salim —
each consisting of three, extended-family (a/) conglomerate groupings. Each extended-family
grouping received a one-sixth share of village lands as musha until 1931, when shares were
divided into twenty-four subshares (gararit, sing. girat), with every male receiving one
°8? The tapu register quoted in court in 1894 indicates that this division did take
place, but that it began already in the nineteenth century, at the time of the tapu survey.
The court record stated that in the tapu register, Hamdan was registered as the
principal (representative) owner of the Salimt lands, but not as the sole owner. This point is
key to the villagers’ strategy. The villagers created two large corporations, each with its own
bloc of legally undivided land parcels, which is to say, undivided as far as the tapu was
concerned. With reasonable certainty, we may propose that the division of village lands into
*82 Idhna qaryatun lah tarikh (Idhna is a village with history), 52.
هو جزء من
From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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