From the Pages of the Defter (ص 225)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 225)
two halves likely reflected already-existing patterns of farming arrangements. By creating a
corporation, villagers engendered a situation where each large bloc of land remained
communal, musha. And since every shareholder’s name was on the tapu certificate(s) as a
partner, future division of the lands remained a viable option. It was facilitated by
partnership clauses in the Land Code of 1858. Article 15 paved the way for arrangements like
the one the Idhna villagers created. It stated that land could be divided equitably among
partners if all or some of the partners requested division, provided that the division did not
harm the overall yield. The yield of the sum of the divisions separately could not be less than
the yield of them when joined as a whole.*®*
For the Salimis, the representative head owner appears to have been the clan elder.
Bashir al-Salimt had been the head of the dominant family of the Salimt hamula. In the
family-history section of Idhna’s village history, the branch of the Salimt family descended
from Bashir forms the first Salimi tree, and this branch (fakhd) of the Salimis is known until
today by Bashir’s name.” The family tree shows that Hamdan was the eldest of Bashir’s two
sons.°®° His status did not translate into wealth, according to the Emlak registers of 1876.
Hamdan registered only a modest hane valued at 750 kurus and the largest vegetable
83 Tute, 20-21.
384 Idhna garyatun,39. Multiple generation family trees dating back to the nineteenth century comprise
large sections of many village history books and are a valuable resource for social historians.
385 . . . .
The trees, which include only males, are constructed chronologically. Generations are represented
vertically and siblings horizontally, from right to left according to age.
هو جزء من
From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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