From the Pages of the Defter (ص 227)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 227)
population registers of 1905 would record thirty-one households in the village. y
estimate, then, the village population at the turn of the century was some three hundred
Bayt Kahil was not rich in lands. In 1876, the village had registered en bloc a twenty-
dunam fruit-tree grove (bustan) and 2,000 dunams of field-crop land. Villagers registered
thirty-four vineyard plots equaling 259.75 dunams in Khallat al-Bir, about three and a half
kilometers southwest of the village. This was halfway between the village sites of Tarqumiya
and Taffuh. One of these vineyard owners was a woman. Another owner was living in the
neighboring village of Halhul.*’° No owners from outside the village were recorded. Villagers
also registered sixteen vegetable gardens in the immediate vicinity of the village, totaling
57.75 dunams. Finally, six villagers (representationally) registered in their name field-crop
lands in Jamrura. Each registered one, 150-dunam parcel. If this land was divided equally,
this would have been about forty dunams for every residence.
It is not known what apparent financial stress in 1895 prompted some of the
villagers to mortgage what represented one-tenth of the village’s lands. The term used in
court was bay‘ wifa‘ (in Ottoman Turkish, vefa), which literally means a purchase of good
388 Present-day statistics found on the Palestinian Authority's Central Bureau of Statistics website: . Accessed 1 September 2015.
89 Average hane (household) sizes were discussed in Chapter 1.
°°° These were Amuna bint Muhammad Baryush (al-‘Atawne) and one Mustafa b. ‘Abid. (Esas-1 Emlak,
entries #6752, 6758.)
هو جزء من
From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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