From the Pages of the Defter (ص 234)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 234)
its status (if we may call it that) as musha, was an internal matter that was irrelevant to the
court proceeding. Musha, it should be recalled, was not a legal category of land tenure.
Since these two land parcels shared by members of so many of the village’s families
equaled almost 40 percent of the village’s 840 registered dunams in Jamrura, it is likely that
these same villagers also had a stake in the other various areas of Jamrura that the town
claimed, in the same way that these two plots were shared. Although the names of the
locations of the various communally held parcels were almost certainly recorded in the tapu
register, in the Emlak register the location of each of the thirteen plots in Jamrura was
defined only as being “civar al-mezra” (in the vicinity of the mezra‘). The borders of the two
plots, as defined in court, are delineated in Table 4.4, below.
As with the case from Taffuh discussed above, here too, there were in 1895 substantially
more shareholders claiming rights to these lands than had been recorded in the Emlak
register two decades previous. According to it, only six residents of Bayt Kahil had registered
plots in Jamrura, each one 140 dunams in size.” "In 1895, nineteen owners of twenty-four
shares out of a total of thirty shares presented themselves. A comparison of names between
“4 These were ‘Aql b. Salih (al-Zuhur), ‘Uthman b. Ahmad Barish (Abriyash al-‘Atawneh), Ahmad b. Nasar
(al-‘Asafra), Sulayman b. Hassan Nasar (al-‘Asafra), Muhammad b. Ahmad ‘Ali (al-‘Atawneh), and Salame
b. Khalil ‘Adi (al-‘Atawneh). Surnames (in parentheses) were added according to a folk history of Kahili
hamulas and their branches (fakhdh, pl., fukhddh) posted at . The
village is comprised of just three main families. The largest is the ‘Atawneh, followed by the ‘Asafra, and
the Zuhur. (See Dalil Qaryat Bayt Kahil (Bayt Kahil Village Profile), Applied Research Institute, Jerusalem
(2009): 7. The guide is accessible online at ,
accessed 13 July 2015.) It is likely for this reason — familiarity in a small village — that only three villagers
in the tax register for Bayt Kahil were designated by surname, all from the ‘Atawneh family.
هو جزء من
From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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