From the Pages of the Defter (ص 235)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 235)
the tax register and the court case yields a pattern similar to what was observed in Taffuh. It
appears that each name recorded initially in the Em/lak register was a representative of a
larger family group.’”° The use of the term sahm to describe the relationship among the
nineteen supports this theory, as does the equivalent and large size of each of the six parcels
of land, which certainly required many hands to work them.
It is worth questioning further whether the use of the term sahm in this case is
meant to indicate that the nineteen shareholders’ names did not appear on tapu
certificate(s). Unfortunately, reading the court and tax documents side-by-side provides us
only enough knowledge to prompt this question but insufficient information to accurately
*°6 On the one hand, as mentioned above, it was stated in court that the nineteen
answer it.
intended to proceed from the courtroom to the lands commission office, presumably with
the detailed, sharia-court hujje in hand. At the very least, the court document was needed to
“°° The nineteen sellers were: ‘Abd al-Hadi b. Salameh ‘Adi (al-‘Atawneh), Hasan b. Ahmad ‘Alli (al-
‘Atawneh), ‘Abdallah b. Sulayman al-‘Atawneh, Mahmud b. Salim b. Salim al-‘Atawneh, ‘Awdatallah b.
Khalil Anmad D’abus (al-‘Atawneh), Sulayman b. Hasan Nasar (al-‘Asafra), Muhammad Salih (al-
‘Atawneh),, Muhammad b. Nasar al-R’ad (al-‘Atawneh), Muhammad b. al-Hajj Jibrin (Jibril al-‘Asafra),
‘All b. Nasar Husayn Nasar (al-‘Asafra), ‘Abd Rabbuh b. Ahmad Nasar (al-‘Asafra), Sulayman b.
Muhammad Bariyush (Abriyush al-‘Atawneh),’Awda b. ‘Aql Salih (al-Zuhur), Muhammad b. Nasar Ahmad
(al-‘Asafra), one YUsif b. Ibrahim Ibrahim Yusif (surname unidentifiable), Mahmtd b. Abriydsh (al-
‘Atawneh), ‘Abd al-Hadi Riyan (al-Zuhur), Sulayman b. Kan’an Dhawan (al-Zuhur?), and ‘Ali b. Hasan
Dhawan (al-Zuhur?). The underlined names would appear to be siblings or sons of the six owners
registered in the Emlak register two decades earlier, which are named in the preceding footnote and in
Table 4.3, except for Sulayman, who himself was an original registered owner. Relatives of the sixth
original owner, ‘Uthman b. Ahmad Baryush (Abriyush al-‘Atawneh), are not readily identifiable among
the nineteen.
408 Mundy and Saumarez-Smith have noted the same difficulties in attempting to trace ownership
between the tapu and tax records (277, footnote 32).
هو جزء من
From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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