From the Pages of the Defter (ص 236)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 236)
prove the capacity of the waki/ who would be filing the paperwork for them. °° It implies
that everyone’s share in ownership had been officially recorded at the tapu offices.
Table 4.4
Borders of Bayt Kahil’s Jamrura lands mortgaged in 1895
to Hajj Ibrahim Shawar*”
Al-Abhara Al-Ruweisat
Al-Taff, stretching to the
NeeMdet-eyeltiaame lands of Suliman Hassan al-
Karabliyyeh of Tarqumiya
The water line (maqalib) stretching to
the land of the village of Idhna
To the east
The land of al-Hajj Ibrahim Shawar,
To the north Khirbat Umm al-Khanazir called Sahlat al-Khassab, and the road
(al-tarig al-sultani)
To the west
On the other hand, we have a (then) twenty-year old tax-registry entry that was in all
likelihood symbolic of representative ownership. Further, the villagers characterized the
lands as an undivided whole, shared between them. The only conclusion we can make with
“©” The wakil appointed by the buyers was ‘AqI b. Salih (al-Zuhur). He was not one of the nineteen who
announced the sale of his shares in court, although his name was the first one in the 1876 properties-tax
register list for Jamrura (see Table 4.3). ‘Awda b. ‘Aql Salih, one of the nineteen sellers, was
undoubtedly his son.
“8 HR 16 / 120 / 76 ( 20 Sha’ban 1312 / 16 February 1895).
هو جزء من
From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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