From the Pages of the Defter (ص 248)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 248)
The second factor to keep in mind when contextualizing the Kahili villagers’ loan is
evidence available about alternative lenders, that is, the fledgling Ottoman credit
institutions. A systematic, critical study of the operation of the Ottoman banks and credit
institutions awaits. 7°
What we may term the formal credit market was in its infancy in
Palestine during the time covered in this study. The majority of banks in the southern region
were found in Jerusalem. From the mid-nineteenth century, banks were established there to
handle banking matters of foreign and foreign/immigrant Jewish populations.” The
Deutsche-Palestina Bank opened in Jerusalem in 1899. According to Ottoman financial
historian Huseyin Al, it was the first German bank to be opened anywhere in the Ottoman
“8 While there are a very few studies on the bank itself (André Autheman and James Amery Underwood’s
The Imperial Ottoman Bank (Istanbul: Ottoman Bank Archives and Research Center, 2002) is a
translation of Autheman’s book of the same title published in French in 1996 by the French Ministry of
Economy and Finances; John Karatzoglou’s The Imperial Ottoman Bank in Salonica: the first 25 years:
1864-1890 (Istanbul: Ottoman Bank Archives and Research Center, 2003); Edhem Eldem’s A History of
the Ottoman Bank (Istanbul: Ottoman Bank Historical Research Center, 1999)), no one has yet
researched its loan operations in practice.
“9 Eitan Burshtein, “Bankaot b’Aretz Israel [Banks in The Land of Israel] 1848-1915” in HaBank shel
Valero: HaBank Ha’Ivri HaRishon ba-Aretz Israel 1848-1915 (The Valero Bank: The First Hebrew Bank in
the Land of Israel, 1848-1915), (Tel Aviv: The Eretz Israel Museum, 2013): 87-95.
#30 Huseyin Al, “Banks and Banking”, in Gabor Agoston and Bruce Masters, eds., Encyclopedia of the
Ottoman Empire (New York: Facts on File, 2009): 77.
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From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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