From the Pages of the Defter (ص 249)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 249)
In Hebron, the Zionist Organization’s Anglo-Palestine bank, forerunner to the Israeli
“8! According to the
Bank Leumi, was established in the first decade of the twentieth century.
International Banking Directory of 1920, it was still the only bank in Hebron in the early years
of British rule, whereas there were by then six banks operating in Jerusalem, *** including the
Imperial Ottoman Bank, which had opened a Jerusalem-branch building in 1904.*°°
Additionally, agents of the Ottoman Agricultural Bank, established in 1888, were appointed
“34 As will be discussed below, Shaykh Ahmad al-Ja’abri
to work in district (kaza) centers.
fulfilled this role in Hebron at the turn of the twentieth century.
Documentary evidence found at the ISA indicates that the Ottoman credit-banking
system was operating in Palestine and used by at least some Hebron-district residents at the
end of the nineteenth century. The two earliest Ottoman loan registers archived in Israel
include Hebron city and village borrowers. These are the /krazat-i cedide defters (New Loans)
“3? “Jewish Colonists Redeem Palestine”, NYTimes, 13 October 1912; V. Necla Geyikdagi, Foreign
Investment in the Ottoman Empire: International Trade and Relations 1854-1914 (New York: |.B. Tauris,
2011): 103.
“8? International Banking Directory of 1920 (New York: The Bankers’ Publishing Company), p. 519.
*83 “Qsmanli Bankasi Tarihcesi” (History of the Bank), found on the Osmanli Bankasi Arsiv ve Arastirma
Merkezi (Ottoman Bank Archives and Research Centre) website:
. Christopher Clay adds that the bank’s management decided to open in Jerusalem instead of Jaffa due
to the city’s prestige, despite its lesser commercial importance. See his article, “The Origins of Modern
Banking in the Levant: The Branch Network of the Imperial Ottoman Bank, 1890-1914”, MES 26/4
(November 1994): 603.
“34 Bunton (2007): 103, 107.
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From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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