From the Pages of the Defter (ص 252)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 252)
To give further example, two years later, Hebronite Khalil Jabr ‘Abdin took a loan of
4,000 kurus. It, too, was a long-term loan. Over the following decade, he was to pay 400
kurus annually and, with each payment an interest charge of 132 kurus would be due,
likewise amounting to 33 percent interest on the original loan.”°®
In the years preceding World War |, we find a number of short-term loans which
make this pattern of calculating the interest clear. In 1912, a loan of 674 kurus was given to
Khaltl Hashim Effendi al-Turk, who resided in Hebron. He was scheduled to pay it back over
the following two years, in two equal installments with a total of 60.75 kurus interest. This
equalled nine percent total on the loan amount.**”? Muhammad Kamil Effendi Tahboub of
Hebron took a loan of 375 kurus in 1912, to be repaid in three yearly installments of 125
kurus accompanied by three yearly interest payments of 15 kurus, totaling 12 percent of the
loan, that is, six percent interest charged for the first year and another three percent of the
original amount tacked on for each of the two subsequent years, until the loan was
repaid.“° Hajj Ibrahim Abu Miyale of Hebron’s loan of 400 kurus that year, to be repaid over
the following four years, was charged a total of 15 percent interest on the original loan.*”"
Finally, a long term loan of 5,000 kurus given in 1912 to Muhammad S’aid Effendi Tahboub,
“88 Ibid., loan #404. Date of the loan: 30 Nisan 1314 maliyye / 12 May 1898.
439 ISA, RG 83 85/4 tet, Halvaot register for Hebron 328: /kraza-! Cedide Defteri 1328-1329, loan #1116, 11
Tishrin Thani 1328 / 24 November 1912.
“° Ibid., loan #1115, 21 Nisan 1328 / 4 May 1912.
““* Ibid., loan #1119, 23 Nisan 1328 / 6 May 1912.
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From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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