From the Pages of the Defter (ص 262)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 262)
recovered. The Ottoman land registry records, incomplete as they are, still
constitute the basis of a large number of claims to real rights ...7°°
*3 they have largely gone unchallenged*”* even though
However flimsy these claims may be,
the existence of registers has been documented, as was discussed in Chapter One.
The 1876 emlak register for the villages of Hebron is not a land register per se. But it
is a register of lands and also of properties, both taxed and untaxed. The register reflects
what by all available standards of measurement appears to have been an individualized,
methodical process of registration resulting from negotiation and compromise carried out
anew from village to village. | have argued that the varying patterns of registration
observable in the different villages—privatization, shares, musha, en bloc registration, and
combinations of these—demonstrate that the majority, if not all, of the villages made their
own decisions how to register their lands, and that their wishes to privatize holdings, retain
communal holdings of land, and/or find a compromise solution were respected and
recorded by the committee(s).
402 Survey of Palestine, 238, point 38.
*°3 See the discussion regarding located registers above, in the final section of Chapter 1. Also see Shimon
Rubenstein, “Seker HaQarqa ‘ot ve litur Sifre HaMeQarqa ‘in, me-evnei HaYasod shel HaMediniut
HaTsiunit BaAretz Israel b-1918-1919” (The Land Survey and Locating Land-Record Books, Building
Blocks of Zionist Policy in the Land of Israel 1918-1919), Kivunim 37 (1987), 115-178.
94 For an historiographical illustration of this tension between narrative and fact see, Stein (1984),
discussion on the disappearance/existence of land-registry documentation and British reasons for
closing the Land registry offices for two years, between 1918-1920, pp. 23-24.
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From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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