From the Pages of the Defter (ص 263)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 263)
It has been attempted in this dissertation to read the 1876 emlak register of Hebron
simultaneously on three levels. This study has been concerned with the implementation of
reform, the character of property tenure in the rural areas, and the history of the neglected
non-urban Ottoman sphere. It has also been concerned with recovering a history that is
inaccessible to the descendants of those whom it is about, the villagers of the Hebron
district. They, like the majority of Palestinians who are not citizens of Israel, are more often
barred from the country than granted permission to enter it and to access its archives. Along
the way, this dissertation has also proven that pillars upon which rest the conventional
paradigm of mass evasion and failure of land reform measures in Palestine — such as the
persistence of musha, land mortgages for loans from urban moneylenders, and the
continued use of the court system for land matters — were not aberrations from reform
procedure but, rather, well within the realm of the legal and the sanctioned.
When we examine the historical facts of rural land tenure in Hebron closely (and
thickly), it becomes clear that it is incumbent upon us to expand and complicate the
conventional understanding of rural Palestinian society in the nineteenth and early
twentieth centuries. Firstly, while it is true that the majority of villagers were born and died
in the same place, there was by the late nineteenth century a broad, documented network
of rural commercial exchange and movement that merits study and recognition. ~” One
°° | have made this argument in more detail in “Villagers on the Move: Re-thinking Fallahin Rootedness
in Late-Ottoman Palestine”, Jerusalem Quarterly 54 (2013): 56-68.
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From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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