From the Pages of the Defter (ص 272)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 272)
# residential
village name structures # households
(1876) (1905)
Es) — Ishwa’ 46 N/A
48:94 Shweike N/A 44
és = Shuyukh 43 57
ee gal Gal Ras Abu 'Amar 39 29
pls Allar 32 30
seers Hasan 36 30
DS Kasla 33 25
OaS94 sale = Wadi Fukin 34 15
Ash Qubayba 31 37
Was Kidna 31 36
Ligh ss = Artuf 29 N/A
398 = Aaqaur 31 20
lot) ons = Dir al-Hawa 26 19
fevtli et =: Dir al-Shaykh 27 21
Cia) Gas Dir al-Dabban 29 29
Syne Sar‘a 26 40
Cjpllas Nahalin 25 25
ay 5 Zeyta 25 29
als Cu Bayt Kahil 22 31
us) R‘ana 20 9
Lusi 94: _Barqusiya 17 19
vile = Jarash 15 N/A
$8 Qabu 14 N/A
dasa Jab‘a 12 7
duns) Rihiyya 9 N/A
Mau - Sufla 7 N/A
Jlaa Cu Bayt Jimal N/A 4
TOTALS 3,682 3,646
Sources: 1875 Esas-! Emlak and 1905 Nufus registers. | am grateful to Alex Winder
for kindly providing me with a household-count for nine of the smaller villages.
هو جزء من
From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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