From the Pages of the Defter (ص 273)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 273)
' This figure includes only residences registered in the village, exclusive of other registered
structures. As an indicator of population, they should be seen as relative only. Residences
varied in size and value, however the number of musaqgafat (lit. buildings, roofs) and the
value of a residence give only a vague, relative indication of the number of household
members that resided in a hane or oda (lit., house and room, respectively). It should be
noted, as well, in a number of villages one finds that a given individual owned more than one
* Household (hane) sizes varied greatly within villages and in within the town of Hebron,
from two to seventy-two members. One can count population-registry lines to obtain a more
precise idea of the size of the population. However, because the registers were updated as
people were born and died, and as women married and moved to other households, it is
most laborious to attempt to extract a precise count of the population at a given date. One
would need to examine each line individually before inserting it into a calculable database,
particularly in the case of women, because their entry in the household in which they were
born was not erased when they married. Instead, a note was made that she had married,
and the household number (and village or town, if need be) of her husband was recorded.
The woman’s name was then added to the list of members of the household of her husband
with an annotation noting which hane (and village or town, if need be) she had moved from.
° In Samu’, one page of village structures — forty-one entries — was recorded without
mention of the type of property; it is possible some of these could have been stables, grain
warehouses, or courtyards. Of the twenty-three village structures which were identified,
four were courtyards, one was a press, and two were caves, which could have been storage
for grains, implements, and/or animals, or a residence. Each of the sixty-four total structures
listed was registered to a different individual. The number fifty-nine above reflects the
unknown forty-one structures, in addition to the sixteen structures which were hanes, and
also the two caves, which could have housed people, animals, and/or farming tools.
هو جزء من
From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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