The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 13)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 13)
Table Page
3.1. Revenue, Expenditure, and Annual Balance, 1920-1921 to .
1944-1945, Palestine Government ..................000- 112
3.2. Wholesale Price Index (a) and Wholesale Wheat Prices
(b) for Selected Years 2... 0.0... 0 ee 116
3.3. Average Net Return for Tenants and Owner-Cultivators in£P ..... 127
3.4. Annual Average Number of Title Registration ............... 138
3.5. European Jewish Land Ownership in Dunums ............... 142
3.6. Holdings of 104 Villages According to Size and Source of Income,
1930 2. ee 147
3.7. Distribution of Holdings and Areas According to Size of Holdings for
322 Villages .. 2... ee 156
3.8. Distribution of Holdings Possessed by Resident Villagers by Size ... 158
3.9. Fragmentation of Holdings of Residents of Five Villages ........ 160
4.1. <A. Area Under Cultivation of Principal Crops, 1931-1945:
Annual Average in Denims; B. Production of Principal Crops,
1920-1945: Annual Average in Metric Tons; C. Annual Value
of Principle Crop, 1937-1944, in £P 2... 2... ee ee eee 168
4.2. Production, Imports, and Consumption of Vegetables in Tons,
1928-1944 2 ens 176
4.3. European Settler Dependence on Arab Vegetables ............ 178
4.4. Area, Export, and Value of Citrus, 1913-1914/1945-1946 ....... 181
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Riyad Mousa


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