The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 17)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 17)
This study is about the dispossession and pauperization of the Palestinian
Arab peasantry during the Mandate period (1918-1948). The study is based on an
inquiry into and an analysis of the conditions and main changes in rural areas. The
process of change is conceived within the context of the interaction of colonial
policies, European settler capitalism, and the indigenous rural socioeconomic
structure, and, in addition, by the further intensive integration of the country in the
world capitalist market.
Most studies on Palestine during the Mandate have dealt with its political
history. Studies on different aspects of the social and economic transformation of
the country are few in number. This study is an effort to add to that literature, but
beyond that, the significance of the study stems from other considerations. First,
although some of the existing studies on the society and economy of Palestine have
generated some insights, the approaches used are seen as inadequate for a fuller
understanding of the process of socioeconomic change, especially in the rural
areas. Those approaches and an alternative one are elaborated on later in this
Second, and perhaps most important, is that the existing studies have not
dealt specifically with the question of peasant differentiation and its accompanying
dispossession and pauperization. Some of those studies have dealt either with
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Riyad Mousa


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