The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 18)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 18)
agriculture and rural areas at a macroeconomic level without addressing the
differential impact that socioeconomic change had on the different strata of rural
inhabitants or concluded, given the overall growth and development in agriculture,
that it benefited everyone.
Third, this being a study of the genesis of peasant dispossession and the
role of Jewish European settlers in it provides a better understanding of the nature
of the present relationship between the Palestinians and the state of Israel and the
latter’s continued expropriation of land. More importantly, it has far-reaching
implications for the resolution of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. It puts additional
focus on the necessity of addressing the critical issue of the dispossession of the
Palestinian peasantry whose great majority is living in refugee camps at present.
As stipulated in international law, they have the right to restitution and
repatriation. Without the implementation of those rights, it appears, if the history
of the conflict for the last half century is any guide, that the conflict is likely to
This first chapter includes the purpose of the study, provides some
background to the study, presents a critical literature review, establishes the
theoretical framework, and specifies the hypothesis of the study. The chapter
concludes with a brief outline of the chapters of the study.
1.1 Purpose of the Study
The general purpose of the study was to investigate and analyze the nature
and extent of rural change in Palestine. This general purpose was used as a
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Riyad Mousa


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