The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 20)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 20)
1.2.1 Geography
Palestine is a small country. The total area of the country is 27,024 square
kilometers (10,434 square miles) including the water area of 704 square
kilometers. In spite of this small size, the country is characterized by diverse
topographic and climatic regions that played an important role in shaping its
agricultural production.
In general, the country may be divided into four regions.' First, there are
the coastal plains, which are warm and humid in the summer and with mild
temperatures in the winter. This region gets plenty of rain in addition to having
relatively easy access to underground water. This region is also where most of the
cultivated land is located. Second, to the east of the plains is the central range of
hills, which rise between 750 and 1,200 meters (2,460 and 3,937 feet) above sea
level. The hills’ region is cooler and dryer than the plains’ region in the summer
and colder in the winter. It also gets plenty of rain, but underground water is very
deep and thus is extremely difficult and expensive to tap. Third is the Jordan
Valley, which at its lowest point is 390 meters (1,279 feet) below sea level. This
region is very hot and dry in the summer with moderate temperatures in the
‘Government of Palestine, A Survey of Palestine: Prepared in December 1945,
January 1946 and March 1946 for the Information of the Anglo-American
Committee of Inquiry, vol. 1 (Jerusalem: Government Printer, 1946), 103-7;
Government of Palestine, Statistical Abstract of Palestine, 1944/45 (Jerusalem:
Office of Statistics, 1946), 5. |
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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