The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 26)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 26)
years are eliminated and the two sets of figures are combined, we get the total
figure of £P 180,464,000 of Jewish capital imports for 1918-1947.
Then there were the military expenditures by the British government during
WWII (1939-1945) that totaled £P 113,700,000. After the war and during 1945
and 1946, military expenditures continued and totaled £P 47,800,000. "°
1.2.5 Transportation
The spread of market relations in Palestine and its further intensified
integration in the world capitalist market were facilitated by the substantial increase
in the transportation infrastructure within the country and with the outside world.
In the case of roads, the increase was relatively phenomenal. Although at least half
of the increase was initiated for the military purposes of the government during the
1936-1939 Revolt and WWII, nonetheless their construction facilitated internal and
external trade. Between 1917 and 1945, all-weather roads increased from 233 to
2,660 kilometers long, representing an increase of almost eleven and a half times.
At the same time, seasonal roads increased from 192 to 1,565 kilometers, an
eightfold increase.'’
As for railroads, besides the government’s improvement of the existing
lines, it doubled the length of the tracks to 520 kilometers, which were primarily
6Government of Palestine, Supplement to Survey of Palestine (Jerusalem:
Government Printer, 1947), 109.
"Survey II, 859.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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