The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 28)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 28)
important role in connecting Palestine with the outside world.
1.2.6 Trade
Palestine’s trade grew substantially during the Mandate. Whereas in 1922
total trade was £P 7,115,000, it grew to £P 50,862,000 by the end of 1944, a
sevenfold increase.” Imports increased from £P 5,726,000 in 1922 to
£P 36,224,000 in 1944. Exports increased from £P 1,389,000 in 1922 to
£P 14,638,000 in 1944. A major proportion of this increase in trade, whether
measured in value or volume, was during the 1930s when world trade declined
substantially. The increase in imports and exports, as measured in value, continued
during WWII. However, measured in 1939 prices, the volume of exports increased
by about twofold and imports decreased by about half.”
1.2.7 National Income
As might be expected, the above outlined growth in population, money and
capital stock inflows, transportation infrastructure, and trade also meant and was
reflected in the substantial increase in national output. According to one set of
estimates, net domestic product, in current prices, increased from £P 12,896,000
in 1922 to £P 210,397,000 in 1947, a sixteenfold increase. In 1936 prices, net
domestic product increased by eight and a half times from £P 8,360,000 in 1922 to
3 Statistical Abstract, 1944/45, 63.
*“Tbid., 66.
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Riyad Mousa


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