The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 35)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 35)
Although Halevi and Klinov-Malul confined their discussion of British
economic policies primarily as to their effect on the Jewish community, especially
in the areas of immigration and land acquisitions, which they characterize as
restrictive, they nonetheless recognize the irrefutable role of the overall policies in
the development of the Jewish economy. This role was acknowledged, albeit in
general terms, in the following way:
It is unfair to say, as many Jewish authorities have said, that the
mandatory government did its best to hamper the development of
Jewish Palestine: certainly the tremendous growth of the Jewish
sector contradicts such a view, unless one also accuses the British
administration of complete incompetence!*'
On the other hand, nothing is said about the impact of British policies,
economic and otherwise, on the indigenous Palestinian Arabs. Similarly, there is
no discussion of the tmpact of European settlement on the indigenous as a whole or
on agriculture. The impact of land acquisitions, dealt with in the context of what
they perceive as restrictive government policy, was confined to minimizing its
effects in the displacement of peasants and positively in “that the standard of living
of Arabs, including farmers, had risen considerably.”
Halevi and Klinov-Malul conclude their arguments as follows:
The two communities were really two separate economies. In _
addition to land, Jews bought some agricultural goods from Arabs
and sold them some industrial goods, and many Arabs worked in
Jewish agriculture and building. But it has been estimated that in
1936 total intersectoral trade and final and intermediate goods and
NIbid., 30.
*Thid., 35.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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