The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 40)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 40)
subsequent chapters.
At any rate, building on that article and other works by him and others,
Metzer authored a more comprehensive work, The Divided Economy of Mandatory
Palestine.*' In this book, as in his other work, and while adhering to the dual-
economy approach, Metzer distinguishes himself, as I alluded to earlier from the
other variants of duality by allowing for interaction between what he
interchangeably calls two economies and two sectors. In addition, he does not
confine his analysis to the Jewish economy but also addresses the nature of and
developments in the Arab economy, although to a lesser extent.
In the context of distinguishing himself from what he terms “[social]
dualism,” Metzer states what he means by “economic dualism.”
The coexistence, within some broader frame of economic reference
(state, region), of two interacting economic sectors that differ from
one another in level of economic development, both of which are
“rationally” responsive, in the economic sense, to their respective
environments and material opportunities and constraints.‘
More specifically, reference here is to economic units that differ from one
another on the following Kuznetsian developmental counts: urbanization, the
weight of agriculture (versus manufacturing industry) in employment and
production, the institutional structure of farming and the nature of the financial
markets, the extent of school enrollment, the skill composition of the labor force,
“'Metzer, Divided Economy.
“TIbid., 10.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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