The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 41)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 41)
and the level of income per capita.*’ In essence then and despite his differences
with the other adherents of the dual economy discussed above, Metzer makes a full
circle to join them in using the differences between the Palestinian Arabs and the
Jewish community as his starting point and basis for the dual-economy thesis.
Again, Metzer, unlike the others, allows interaction between the two
economies while insisting on their separateness. He adopts Arthur W. Lewis’s
“four channels” of interaction: (a) the labor market, (b) the goods market, (c) the
public sector, and (d) “demonstration and other effects” from the “modern” to the
“premodern” sector, “thus bringing about some intersectoral convergence over
time.”“* However, he then uses Myint’s concept of “organizational dualism” to
explain the persistence of disparities between the two sectors in all markets.
The two theoretical models, according to Metzer, are consistent with his
observations of differences between the Arab and Jewish economies. In addition, it
is these differences that play a major role in the interaction between the two
economies. Metzer puts it as follows: “Precisely the same marked dissimilarities
that distinguish the two economies from one another were largely responsible for
their different comparative advantages, and were thus instrumental in facilitating
bilateral trade.”* Thus, the dual-economy model is appropriate for Mandatory
Palestine. The only exception to the dual-economy model was that in the case of
“Tbid., 11.
“Thid., 9-10.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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