The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 42)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 42)
Palestine, the two economies were “divided along ethno-national lines.”
So, after choosing his theoretical model, which fits in with his assumption
of two economies and by default determine the units of analysis, Metzer sets out
on a long empirical journey in the tradition of the so-called clinometric historians
to verify his “thesis.” In Chapter 2, Metzer starts with a comparative discussion of
the “demographic and socioeconomic traits” of the Palestinian Arabs and the
Jewish European settler community. He begins with “the pace and sources of
population growth” in which he illustrates the well-known fact that the increase in
the Jewish population was predominantly because of immigration and grew at a
much faster pace than the increase of the Arab population, which was because of
natural increase. Other vital statistics discussed show the differences in birth,
death, fertility, and mortality rates—all of which show higher rates among Arabs as
compared to Jews. Those differences are then related to the broader issue of health
in terms of resources and services available, again pointing to a gap in favor of the
Jewish European community.
Another “developmental difference” was in the area of education where
Metzer compared the availability of educational services and rates of employment
for the two communities where the Jews “scored” higher in both; in addition, this
gap was reflected in the negative correlation between illiteracy and per-capita
income. Finally, he derives a human development index for thirty-four countries in
addition to the Jewish community in Palestine and the Palestinian Arabs for 1939
that also, not unexpectedly I might add, illustrates the gap between the two in
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Riyad Mousa


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