The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 43)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 43)
favor of the Jewish community. Having established the “developmental
distinction,” based on the differences in the demographic and socioeconomic
attributes between the two, moves on to say in Chapter 4 that “the prime cause of
the emergence of Mandatory Palestine as a divided economy must be sought in the
markets for primary factors of production—land, reproducible capital, and labour
[sic].”*° That too he bases on the differences in the markets for these factors
between the two economies.
In his discussion of land, Metzer deals with the volume of sales, especially
that of Arabs to Jewish Europeans, the prices of land where he considers the prices
paid by settlers to be too high, and the consequences of these sales. Metzer uses
the neoclassical concepts of preference and free choice in explaining the sale of
land by Palestinian Arabs to Jewish European settlers and sales within the former.
He states:
As for the landowners, by exchanging land for cash at the going
price they revealed their preferences for selling over the alternative
of holding on to their possessions: by doing so they obviously
expected to mmprove their economic lot.
This inference holds for poor peasants (fellaheen) who may
have sold their land in order to pay off or at least reduce their debts
(some even turning into tenants, cultivating their previously owned
land), as well as for owners of large estates who used the proceeds
from their land sales to finance ventures of sufficiently high expected
profitability, in agriculture or elsewhere.*’
“Thid., 84.
“Tbid., 90.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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