The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 49)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 49)
are not confined to interest rates, but also within the organized financial market
(Jewish and Arab banks), Metzer, relying on impressionistic and qualitative
evidence, adds:
It is likely that while the major foreign banks may have served the
population and businesses of Palestine rather indiscriminately, the
local Arab banks and credit cooperatives collected deposits from and
extended credit primarily to Arabs, and the Jewish institutions,
largely to Jews.°®
Next Metzer deals with differences in the labor market. He starts with a
comparison of the age structure of the Arabs and Jews. He derives the dependency
ratio and labor participation rates where the Arabs had a higher ratio in the first
and lower one in the second. These disparities translate into “production
advantages” and “income per-capita differentials” in favor of the Jewish
community in addition to the other advantages of the socioeconomic attributes
discussed earlier. Then the occupational structure between the two economies is
compared in terms of skill levels. That also shows higher skill levels for Jewish
labor, which is “consistent with the socioeconomic differences between the two
communities.”°? These factors also, according to Metzer, explain part of the wage
differentials between Arabs and Jews in government employment within
occupations that “required only plain (unskilled) labor.” Here, Metzer is trying
to force his “duality” in explaining wage differentials even for unskilled labor in
Ibid., 116.
“Ibid., 122.
“Tbid., 126-7.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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