The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 54)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 54)
in Jewish-owned groves “and in Jewish agriculture at large no less
than 42 percent.””” Those would be much higher as a percentage of Jewish wage
labor whether in citrus or in agriculture as a whole. The predominance of citrus in
Jewish European agriculture is clear: From 1931 to 1935, when the largest number
of Arab wage labor worked in Jewish European groves, Jewish European citrus
output accounted for between 68 and 79 percent of total Jewish European
agricultural output.’ In 1935, Jewish European citrus exports represented 79
percent of total Jewish exports; and by the late 1930s, Jewish citrus groves
represented 30 percent of the total cultivated area by Jews and between 40 and 50
percent of total Jewish agricultural employment.”
Similarly, but to a lesser extent, was the case in construction. In 1935, the
number of Arab wage labor represented 13 percent of the total labor force in
Jewish construction, and in 1945, it was more than 29 percent.”
Next Metzer deals with production in the two economies. He applies an
input-output analysis “within a ‘growth-accounting’ framework” from which he
derives “a crude summary description of aggregate production,” and increase of
°Metzer, Divided Economy, 175.
"Tbid., 146, 227, Table A.12.
"Ibid., Table 5.8, 168.
BIbid., 149.
“Tbid., Table A.5, 219.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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