The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 66)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 66)
But this is exactly the way the settler economy worked in Africa, not
just with private settlers vis-a-vis the colonialist state but also with
the missionary societies acting very much like the Jewish Agency [in
Palestine], especially in West Africa, against a colonialist power to
which they did not belong ethnically or nationally. . . . There too
. . . the settlers, that is, the missionaries and their families, had to
settle for unregulated and uncultivated land bought from
The other issue has to do with the Mandate government’s role or nonrole in
the allocation of land for settlers. Metzer downplays the role of the government:
While it is true that the European Jewish settlers and their institutions had to
acquire most land by purchase, it is also the case that about 20 percent of the total
land acquired by settlers during the Mandate was allocated to them by the
government as concessions or in the form of long-term leases (see Chapter 3). Part
of these lands were traditionally used for livestock grazing, and thus their
“withdrawal” from use by Arab agriculturists meant direct government interference
in the allocation of resources for settlers. However, in dealing with a colonial
government’s role in the support of settlers, our assessment will be incomplete if
confined to direct allocations of resources but should encompass the wider overall
actions and policies, without which settler efforts and resources, although
important, would have been insufficient. In Palestine, for example, one has to
consider the government’s role in facilitating immigration, its land policies, the
granting of electricity and mineral concessions, its commercial and taxation
Tian Pappe, “Review of the Divided Economy of Mandatory Palestine by
Jacob Metzer,” Mediterranean Historical Review 15, no. 2 (December 2000): 129-
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Riyad Mousa


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