The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 68)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 68)
labor was dealt with by Giovanni Arrighi in the case of Rhodesia, which showed
that surplus labor was not a “natural” phenomenon in which he also distinguished
between “disguised unemployment” and “seasonal underemployment.” At any rate,
I add some comments on surplus labor as applicable to the Palestinian peasantry in
Chapter 6.
A fourth major problem with the dualist model, which greatly impairs its
analysis, is, in some versions, its total neglect, and, in other versions, its
downplaying the role of the colonial mandatory government. This belies the fact
that the Balfour Declaration, promising “a national home” for Jews in Palestine,
was issued by the British government and later incorporated into the terms of the
Mandate. What this meant in practice was that the Mandate government had to
undertake various economic and regulatory measures to fulfill that promise. The
government provided the shield for the buildup of the settler community. Equally
important was the differential impact that different government policies had
between and within the Palestinian Arabs and Jewish European community.
Government policies are never neutral in their impact regardless of intent.
Fifth, the adoption of the thesis of two economies and the predisposition to
show that European Jewish settlement benefited the Palestinian Arabs lead the
dualists to primarily concentrate on the macroaspects of the Arab economy. Thus,
they point to rates of economic growth, overall productivity increases, and income
levels. This hides the differential distributional and wealth consequences of those
increases, if true, on the different classes of the Arab society. This was especially
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Riyad Mousa


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