The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 69)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 69)
the case with agriculture.
Perhaps the major of the dual-economy approach is that it does not deal
with the mutual impact that the interaction had between the Palestinian Arabs and
the Jewish community. For example, what impact did the demand for agricultural
product and labor by the Jewish European community have, in addition to other
factors, on Arab agriculture. Was the increase in wage labor and cash cropping
related to this? Metzer’s caiculations show that most of the Jewish-manufactured
products were “exported to the Arab economy.” Does this fact mean that the
considerable resources available to the Jewish European manufacturing sector
inhibited the growth of the Arab one? At a more general level, the dual-economy
approach fails to see how the spread of market relations and the intensified
integration of the country in the world market impacted the two communities, but
more important the classes within, because of the different roles and responses to
this process.
Although Metzer acknowledges interaction, it is conceived in static terms. It
is confined to a quantitative estimation, as we have seen, of what he calls “bilateral
trade” in labor, land, and products. Even at that level, the implications and
consequences of that interaction are not dealt with fully, if at all. Similarly, the
dual-economy postulate leads to an almost exclusive emphasis on the derivation of
aggregate economic indices for each economy that have the effect of sacrificing the
structural totality of the overall Palestinian economy: The whole is greater than the
sum of the parts. In other words, this approach loses track of the system (i.e., the
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Riyad Mousa


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