The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 70)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 70)
Palestinian economy) as a whole in its interactive components. Thus, to more fully
understand the socioeconomic transformation of the country, the concept of a
single economy is the most appropriate unit of analysis. A related issue to the
question of interaction that weakens Metzer’s postulate is his discussion of the
“comparative advantages” of the two economies that are the basis for their bilateral
trade. From Metzer’s own estimates and characterizations of the two economies, it
is evident that there is an enormous lopsidedness between the two, especially in the
case of capital and other resources. This in itself means that the Arab economy was
limited in its ability to compete with the Jewish economy, for example, in
manufacturing or intensive agriculture. This competitive edge of the Jewish
economy obviously connotes a not insubstantial impact on the Arab economy.
There is a problem of logical consistency here.
Finally, if one major purpose of the study of history (and economic history)
is to shed some light on the present, in our case the ongoing Palestinian-Israeli
conflict, in its socioeconomic and political aspects, then the dual-economy model
fails to reveal the essence of the Zionist project in Palestine and its ongoing impact
on the Palestinians. This failure can be seen in the attempts to distinguish Jewish
European settlement in Palestine from other European settler colonial movements
in other parts of the world. To continue to posit uniqueness to Zionist settlement in.
Palestine is not sustainable by its history or by theory. At the same time, its
particular aspects cannot and should not be denied. The insistence on duality stems
from an ideological predisposition that rejects the colonial nature of Zionism yet
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Riyad Mousa


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