The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 71)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 71)
cannot prove a satisfactory explanation to its results or its continuous exploitation,
dispossession, and forced exile of the Palestinian people. This ideological
predisposition fits neatly with the political attitudes of the “dualists” and the
political leadership in Israel that refuses to deal seriously with a resolution of the
Palestinian-Israeli conflict on equitable terms. Conversely, coming to terms with
the colonial nature of Zionism’ would mark the starting point for a just
resolution of the conflict that recognizes the reality of the intertwined past, present,
and future of Palestinian Arabs and Jews in historical Palestine. Without this, the
conflict is apt to continue.
The critique so far has tried to establish the inadequacy of the dual-
economy approach to understand a more complex process of economic
developments during the Mandate. However, given the national goal of the Zionist
movement to eventually establish an exclusive Jewish state, efforts were directed at
founding separate institutions and policies to enhance them. For example, there
was the policy of buying land with public funds and the banning of jts sale or lease
to non-Jews. Similarly, there was the policy of employing only Jewish labor,
although as we have seen that was not completely successful. The wnportant roles
of public funds and national institutions were illustrated by Metzer, and are
instructive in understanding the separatist objectives of the Zionist movement. This
There is a growing number of Israeli social scientists, although still a
minority, who are challenging the dual approach with their adoption of a colonial
paradigm; see Uri Ram, “The Colonization Perspective in Israeli Sociology,”
Journal of Historical Sociology 6, no. 3 (1993): 327-50.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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