The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 73)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 73)
one, in that it treats the Palestinian economy as a single unit of analysis,
incorporates the crucial role of the government, and provides a framework for an
analysis of the impact of the process on the indigenous society, it still has some
One problem with this approach is its complete characterization of the
“Jewish European sector” as a dynamic capitalist sector. Although there is no
doubt that the Jewish European sector was capitalist in essence, it also had some
specific features that qualified its workings. Jewish European economic policy did
not at all times necessarily follow the normal criterion of profit and loss so
characteristic of capitalist enterprise.’ Many times, economic calculations were
subordinated when they came in conflict with attracting permanent Jewish
European settlers or with the political requirements of setting the foundations for
the eventual establishment of the Jewish state. The Jewish Agency, for example,
promoted a policy, as already discussed, of employing only Jewish labor regardless
of the existence of lower rate Arab labor.''° This varied in its success at different
times and among different industries, but nonetheless it had a profound impact on
the overall process of the transformation of the Palestinian society. Then, again,
there was the policy of land, which once acquired, could not be sold or leased to
non-Jews. That is also contrary to the normal functioning of capitalist markets.
Owen, “Introduction,” 7.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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