The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 74)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 74)
Moreover, from an economic history point of view, this approach, by its
characterization of the Arab sector as noncapitalist, tends to blur the beginnings
and extent of market relations and capitalist development within Arab society. The
integration of Palestine in the world market came from internal developments (e.g.,
the impetus of the Land Code of 1858) and increased external trade contacts that
preceded the interaction of the Jewish and Arab sectors. Similarly, during the
Mandate period, production for the market and wage labor showed noticeable
increase. These developments have to be taken into account to better understand
the extent of changes in the relations of production in rural areas.
1.3.6 The European Colony Approach
The third approach treats Palestine as a “typical European colony with a
typical European settler minority.” This was true in many respects. Whether in
terms of its administration or policies, the practices of the government were in line
with the other British colonies. The British were able to circumvent international
restrictions put on mandated territories that would have prevented it from
“establishing special privileges for itself.”!"!
The government’s system of finance, the requirement that it pays its
expenses without a burden on the British treasury, and the direct linking of the
Palestine pound with the sterling were also typical features of Britain’s other
colonies. In addition, the government sought “to promote rural stability by means
'"'The discussion of this approach is drawn from Owen, “Introduction,” 4-5.
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Riyad Mousa


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