The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 75)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 75)
of strengthening existing village hierarchies,” echoing its practices in its other
As Owen points out, there was a “significant difference from the formal
colonies” which “was that the terms of the Balfour Declaration regarding the
establishment of a Jewish national home in Palestine were written directly into the
Mandate.” This meant that the government had
to take measures to facilitate Jewish land purchases, and more
generally, to develop the economic resources of the country in such
a way as to provide a basis for continuing Jewish immigration.
Unlike other colonial governments it was forced to balance Britain’s
imperial interests with the contradictory interests of two quite
different local communities.
However, I may add, recognizing that significant difference with a typical colony
does not preclude the characterization of British policies and the settler movement
and their impact within a general colonial paradigm.
The ideological implications of both the capitalist penetration and European
colony approaches are that the economic precursors of the establishment of Israel
were not unique and reflected more general trends in the expansion of capitalism
and the expansion of Europe. Thus, while the dualist approach emphasized the
distinctive and historically specific aspects of economic development in the
Mandate period, the capitalist and European expansion approaches emphasize the
generalizable aspects of the same process. From an ideological perspective, this
boils down to asking the following question: Was the establishment of Israel a
historically unique and exceptional event, or was the establishment of Israel simply
another manifestation of European colonialism and the expansion of capitalism out
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Riyad Mousa


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