The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 76)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 76)
of Europe. Our challenge, in this thesis, is to see both the general and the specific
at once, and in so doing have a fuller and richer vantage point from which to
understand not only the economic processes that drove development during the
Mandate period but also the precursor events that led to the Israeli state.
1.3.7 A Study More Closely Focused on Agriculture
In addition to the aforementioned macroeconomic-development approaches
that attempt to characterize the economy and its sectors as a whole (or grouping),
one study focuses more strictly on the central issue of agriculture. Although
lacking an overall framework, nonetheless this study addresses key processes that
we shail be interested in. Sociologist Charles Kamen specifically deals with Arab
agriculture. Kamen reviews and critiques what he sees as the three models used in
the analysis of Palestine during the Mandate: (a) feudal society, (b) colony, and
(c) dual economy. He concludes that each of those models “highlights particular
aspects of the country’s social structure,”!’ but none of them is applicable to
Palestine. Those models were developed “in response to situations differing in
essential respects from those found in Palestine.” !'? However, he does not see
the need for a more comprehensive model.
The central question of the study is to investigate how Arab agriculture was
affected by Jewish settlement and government policies. He discusses the extensive
12K amen, Little Common Ground, 132.
‘37 bid.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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