The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 80)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 80)
In economics, the decision-making models refer to “farm economics in the
neoclassical mold which are concerned with the allocation of resources on the farm
and with the farmers’ responses to markets and to innovations.”'”” Social and
political factors, crucial for understanding rural areas, are held constant. These
models stress the importance of the individuals who “are seen as making choices
about their values and their actions.”'” Although these models may be useful in
“explaining the success or failure of the individual within the system, the system
itself is left out of the analysis.”'* Although Metzer discusses the role of
institutions in the economy (Zionist public institutions), his overall approach falls
within the decision-making models. I discussed Metzer’s explanation for why a
peasant sells his land or chooses to work for wages in urban areas as being “free
choices” and “preference” among alternatives for the purpose of “improving his
economic lot.” |
Second is the systems approach, “which emphasize[s] environmental,
technological, and demographic factors and which seek[s] to explain their
interrelationships within farming systems.”'* Many of the studies using this
approach make use of Boserup’s work “which presents the bold thesis that
increasing population density explains the development of increasingly intensive
tbid., 21.
Tbid., 18.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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