The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 82)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 82)
includes an examination of the forms of surplus extraction. It also includes an
examination of how the production process is influenced by the market and the way
peasants are integrated in it at the local and international level. Central to this
integration is the commoditization of production and the extent of the participation
of peasants in it whether as producers or consumers. Moreover, the
structural/historical approaches are necessarily historical, for
“commoditization” does not imply a process which must work itself
out in a particular way and which can be known from purely
theoretical reasoning. It is a process which may take many specific
forms in different contexts. '”
In addition:
The approach also seeks to grasp the relationships between “whole”
and “part” in such a way as to understand their mutual
determination, and it particularly considers the relationships between
agrarian society and the rest of the state of which it is a part. The
“individual” does not disappear in these analyses, but the social
character of the individual is emphasized.'*°
One variant within this approach is what is called the articulation of modes
of production. This has been criticized on several grounds, but perhaps the most
important has been its conception of the relationship between capitalism and the
noncapitalist or precapitalist modes in functionalist terms. This error, as Bernstein
writes, of
a functionalist conception of the relations between capital and
peasants in which the latter are “reproduced” by the former (in the —
pursuit of its interests etc.). It is not capital [or] imperialism which
reproduces the peasantry—the peasantry reproduces themselves
Tbid., 23.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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