The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 84)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 84)
between them. It also includes an examination of changes in the techniques of
production and, more importantly, the relations of production in agriculture. It
specifically addresses the issue of the differentiation of the peasantry. It specifically
uses Patnaik’s approach to differentiation, which is seen as appropriate for rural
areas that had only limited capitalist development.'*? This study also addresses the
integration of the rural areas and producers into the world market and its impact.
All of this is done in the context of the interaction of government policies, settler
capitalism, and the socioeconomic structure of and changes in the Arab rural areas.
In other words, the changes in the rural areas cannot be separated from their
interaction with government policies and impact of the European settlers, all
forming part of a process that encompasses all. It should be stressed here that the
use of the structural/historical approach to rural change in this study is informed by
the colonial nature of government policies and Zionist settlement, while also
cognizant of their specific features, In other words, the structural/historical
approach is used within a broader colonial framework of analysis.
1.5 Hypothesis
The thesis of this study is that British policies and the activities and nature
of European Jewish settler capitalism, in their interaction with the indigenous
Palestinian Arabs, undermined the rural economy, set in a process of
'3Utsa Patnaik, “Class Differentiation Within the Peasantry: An Approach to
the Analysis of Indian Agriculture,” Economic and Political Weekly 11, no. 39
(September 1976): A82-A101,
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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