The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 85)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 85)
differentiation of the peasantry, and resulting in the dispossession and pauperization
of most peasants, greatly accelerated the process of integration of the whole
economy (including the rural areas) into the world capitalist system, and at the
same time hindered capitalist development in the rural areas.
1.6 Outline
This study is comprised of seven chapters. Chapter 1 provides an
introduction to the study that also includes the literature review and theoretical
framework. Chapter 2 deals with the pre-Mandate period and examines the main
trends and changes in the country and economy. It serves to put the changes during
the Mandate in sharp contrast. In Chapter 3, I discuss the impact of and changes in
taxation, debt, and land tenure. Chapter 4 provides a detailed investigation of
agricultural production with special attention to cash crops. It distinguishes between
European Jewish and Arab cultivation, but it also examines their interaction and
the differential impact of government action on them. It also illustrates the
integration of Palestinian agriculture in the world market. Chapter 5 examines the
extent of changes in techniques of production and their impact. Chapter 6 examines
the process of differentiation of the peasantry. Chapter 7 provides a summary and
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Riyad Mousa


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