The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 92)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 92)
the rise and consolidation of power by ayans (“notables”) and local dynasties.*°
This power, both economic and political, was determined by the extent of the
iltizam acquired and the military power of this group. This power, in turn,
determined the amount of taxes that could be collected from the peasants'* and the
amount remitted to central government, if at all. By the beginning of the eighteenth
century, the government attempted to increase its revenue and reduce the taxes
collected from peasants by awarding the iltizams a malikane (1.e., for life). This
measure, however, failed.
This situation continued into the first decades of the nineteenth century,
after which the government attempted to reassert its power in the provinces, both
by force and the institution of different reforms (tanzimat). In the sphere of land
tenure, the reform attempted to undermine the power of i/tizam holders and
regulate the collection of taxes. However, it was not until 1856 that tax farming
was formally abolished.'° In Palestine, however, some iltizam survived until the
1890s in the hilly areas of the country because of the strength of local
chieftains. '°
In 1858, a Land Code was adopted. However, before we look at the impact
of this code and the big changes it helped bring about, it is useful to provide an
For an overview of the rise of the ayans, see Kerpat, 76-82.
“Owen, Middle East, 14.
Gabriel Baer, “The Evalution of Private Land Ownership in Egypt and the
Fertile Crescent,” in Issawi, Economic History, 82.
Ibid., 82-3.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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