The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 97)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 97)
have had a mitigating impact on any loss of access to land by the peasants.
So, in spite of the different forms of land management and the
appropriation of the agricultural surplus over the span of about four centuries,
peasants maintained their customary rights to land even after the Land Code of
1858 for more than two decades. However, what the Land Code did was set the
stage and establish the legal basis for the later commoditization of land and
expropriation of peasant land by European Jewish settlers and Arab big
landowners, a process that had its limited beginnings in the last decades of
Ottoman rule but intensified during the Mandate period. There were other laws
subsequent to the Land Code of 1858 that reinforced it, but one that made possible
the European acquisition of land was the law of 1867 that allowed foreigners to
own land.
2.2 Demography
Three salient features characterize the demographic development of
Palestine between the mid-nineteenth century and 1918, the onset of the British
occupation. One, the population doubled. Two, there was a substantial increase in
the absolute and relative urban population. Three, it was about 1880 that many
European Jewish immigrants started settling in Palestine. This and later waves of
European Jewish immigration added a new twist to the demographic development
of Palestine. For now, explanations of the increase of population size cannot be
simply sought in the primarily internal socioeconomic factors. It is for this reason
that an understanding of the demographic development of Palestine has to look
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Riyad Mousa


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